Fiche cheval wild perfection

R2C5 du

platcourse a conditions 1797munich-riem1400M25000konrad werner wille-memorial13 partantsdépart à 11:23
Non-partants : 1
1anistouF51p(23)1p3p1psean byrne10/1
16whispering dreamF41p2p4p3p7padrie de vries2.7/102:25
211ayadaF31p8p2p2pbauyrzhan murzabayev9.5/12 l 1/2
33blueridge silverF53p2p0p6pthore hammer-hansen15/1tete
45shehnaF45p2p0p(23)6phugo boutin9.7/1cte tete
58havana ballF38p1p7p3phollie doyle5.9/13 l 1/2
62atlanta cityF48p4p2p(23)1pwladimir panov14/1tete
713wariaF31p9p5p3pmartin seidl25/12 l 1/2
810words of peaceF35p6p3p1pmichal abik9.4/11 l
97wild perfectionF40p8p3p(23)1prene piechulek28/12 l
104navareF47p4p(23)1p7psibylle vogt21/1cte tete
1112mademoiselle ninetF34p7p1p(23)5pleon wolff19/1cte tete
129waldfriedaF30p0p6p(23)1peduardo pedroza38/12 l 1/2

R3C6 du

platgroupe iii 3092hambourg horn1600M55000sparkasse holstein cup (hamburger stuten meile)10 partantsdépart à 12:10
17three havanasF31p3p6p(23)4pthore hammer-hansen/101:42
22armiraF42p1p1p(23)6pbauyrzhan murzabayev/11 l 1/2
31sea the ladyF40p3p(23)5p6padrie de vries/12 l 1/2
48emilyF34p4p5psean byrne/11 l 1/2
56hope and believeF31p1pjozef bojko/11 l 1/2
69pacificaF30p3p(23)6p1pmichal abik/1cte tete
74navareF44p(23)1p7p8pmichael cadeddu/1tete
810royal nightF35p6p(23)2p1psibylle vogt/12 l 1/2
93namoaF41p1pwladimir panov/16 l
105wild perfectionF48p3p(23)1prene piechulek/1tete

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